9MB Plasma Torch

The 9MB hardware was designed for versatile, safe and easy operation. When changing
from one spray material or plasma gas to another, the switchover is fast – nozzles and electrodes are plugin/pullout assemblies.
Water-cooled cables are attached to the bottom of the manual handheld gun to improve balance and prevent interference in close-up spraying applications. Watercooled power cables for the gun have right and left hand thread design, making it impossible to crossconnect them. Heavy plastic insulators are provided to protect the operator from electrical shock. With the exception of the handheld gun switches, used for powder feeder and emergency stop, the automatic plasma control unit performs all operations. It ignites and shuts down the 9MB gun, monitors and
controls the arc current, the gun cooling water, and the plasma gas flow, according to pre-set parameters. The 9MB was designed to operate efficiently with power levels up to 80kW, (80 volts @ 1,000 amps) in continuous operation mode(100% duty cycle).
